Health & Hygiene Promotion

ASDDW Forum has focused on improved health and hygiene promotion measures in the context of people’s adaptation to social accountability approach during the reporting period. Through di¬fferent project activities ASDDW Forum has reached to the people in need and also involving the relevant stakeholders through discussion meeting, day observance, promotion of hygiene education, water safety plan and wash promotion. In the Rohingya refugee context, distribution of hygiene kits, top-up kits, hand washing device, bin, aqua tabs, Non Food Items (NFI), child potty, bucket, Diarrhea kits was distributed on a regular basis as per the sector standards. The Camp cleaning campaign program organized bimonthly in the Rohingya Refugees camps. This rapid cleaning campaign by a team consist of Volunteers, community leaders and WASH committee members with the view of cleaning the surface area of all blocks. In this program, ASDDW Forum provided all the logistic support to the team. Hygiene Promotion Session : Awareness buildings through the hygiene promotion sessions on di¬fferent issues are the critical activities conducted by ASDDW Forum round the year. The sessions mainly targets the female, male, adolescent and children groups to educate them on the important hygiene issues like Hand Washing with soap, Water Safety Plan (WSP), Sanitation and Hygiene, Environmental Hygiene and Food Hygiene, Personal Hygiene and Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM). The Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD) is the most discussed issue in the extension camps as they are seriously vulnerable to this disease. Mass Awareness Events : Popular theatre, video show, Folk song and di¬fferent cultural events have been organized by the local Theatre and Cultural groups using the local languages and incorporating the promotional messages on hygiene behavior, use of safe water and safe sanitation practices.

  • Address: Village: Chalna, Post: Chalna Bazar, Upozilla: Dacope, Zilla: Khulna, Bangladesh
  • Mobile: +8801721760833, +8801727012836
  • Telephone: +8801721760833
  • E-mail: