Emergency Support

During COVID-19 pandemic Bangladesh govt. imposed lockdown country wide. The lockdown was imposed from city to village level. The country came to a halt. All the office, eductional institutions, shops, bazar, closed for an indefinite time.  Livings and livelihood jeopardised. Income of general people specially poor men and women became zero, they had nothing to do. Famine like situation was prevailing. During the lock down cyclone AMPHAN hit the coastal region. The situation become worst ones. In this time of crisis Christian aid and UNWomen came as angel. During that COVID -19 pandemic and AMPHAN devastated period UNWomen and Christian aid help distribute cash grant  among women beneficiaries. Cash @ Tk. 3000/- ( $30) per person, was distributed electronically.  Ms. Gloria Jharna, MP of reserve seat of Khulna and Upazila Parishad women Vice-Chair graced the cash distribution event. Total 300 women beneficiaries were given Cash Grant. The beneficiaries included sex workers (Dacope Brothel), Transgender, Dalit and poorest of poor Hindu and Muslims women

  • Address: Village: Chalna, Post: Chalna Bazar, Upozilla: Dacope, Zilla: Khulna, Bangladesh
  • Mobile: +8801721760833, +8801727012836
  • Telephone: +8801721760833
  • E-mail: infoasddw18@gmail.com