Low cost Rainwater Harvesting Plant for providing safe drinking water at household level

Project Time Period: 2008 - 2015

Project Location: Dacope upazila under Khulna district.

Funding Agency: SIMAVI, The Netherlands, PR, Japan, & NGO Foundation, Bangladesh

Rainwater Harvesting Plant ( RHP): 

To provide safe drinking water in saline prone local where both surface and ground water is saline, (beyond permissible level) household base RHPs were constructed in Chalna Municipality & Pankhali Union, under Dacope Upazila, Khulna. The support was given to women headed household and poorest of the poor households.

Providing safe drinking water to the poor women house holds who are suffering from fresh drinking water due to salinity problem..

Direct beneficiaries: 

For covering target beneficiaries, priority was given  to the person with disability, widow, destitute, Horizon/Dalit,  and old age people among the poor people of  Dacope, upazila.   As per the designed activities, a total of 175  RHPs were constructed in different villages of Dacope Upazila, Khulna. The beneficiaries were also provided training on safe drinking water and sanitaion. 

  • Address: Village: Chalna, Post: Chalna Bazar, Upozilla: Dacope, Zilla: Khulna, Bangladesh
  • Mobile: +8801721760833, +8801727012836
  • Telephone: +8801721760833
  • E-mail: infoasddw18@gmail.com